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Sunday, March 30, 2008

10. Japanorama - Gaijin

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

9. History of the "Gyaru"

Watch this video about the how the "Gyaru" image developed in Japan
(Warning: some scenes contain some nudity)

8.Japan TV - Future Japan

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7. Google's new office

The buzz about Google

Working at Google New York (NYC)

Monday, March 17, 2008

6. Paul McCartney & Heather Mills Divorce

Heather Mills bags speaks after Paul McCartney Divorce

McCartney divorce battle is over

Friday, March 14, 2008

5. Your Carbon Footprint and Climate Change

Climate Change - Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Al Gore Interview on CBC part 1

Al Gore on stopping global warming

Global Warming SCAM! (An Inconvenient Truth)

Carbon Neutral Footprints - Daryl Hannah Love Life

Sunday, March 9, 2008

4. Michael J. Fox responds to Rush Limbaugh

Understanding Parkinson's Disease

Olbermann addresses Limbaugh's attack of Fox's character.

Actor Michael J. Fox discusses his foundation for Parkinson's disease research and recent allegations made by radio host Rush Limbaugh.

3. Fast Food

Read the following articles about 'Fast Food'...
1. Super Size Me at Wikipedia
2. Fast food 'as addictive as heroin'

Super Size Me (first 10 minutes)

Blaming Fast Food (alternative perspective)

Super Size Me

Friday, March 7, 2008

2. Smoking and Tabacco Companies

1. Historically, how has smoking been portrayed?
2. How have cigarette companies tried to influence you to take up smoking?
3. What do you think about cigarette advertising?
4. Who is/was the Marlboro man?
4. What do you think about passive smoking?
5. What is the purpose of the last video (Doctor's endorsement)?

1.1 Smoking is cool

1.2 Smoking causes death?

1.3 Smoking stinks (and causes death)

1.4 Doctor's Endorsement...?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

1. Missing girls show up class divide

Read the following article in the Age Newspaper:
Missing girls show up class divide (click here)

Overview of Madeleine McCann story
Watch the following story to get some background on Madeleline McCann's disappearance.

Overview of Shannon Matthews' story
Watch the following story to get some background on Madeleline McCann's disappearance.